Replacing Woven Paper Cord Seats on Danish Modern Chairs by Neils Møller, Hans Wegner, and Other Designers: PAGE 6


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The wrapping is now done on the front rail and back rail of the chair. To do the back rail, you simply repeat the process used on the front rail. However, since the back rail of the chair is typically shorter in length than the front rail, you may need to use fewer wraps between each of the front-to-back weaves.

 This image also shows the completed wrapping on both the front and the back rails of the chair.

This image shows a vintage Moller chair seat, which I am using as a reference to begin the side-to-side weaving of my chair. Note the pattern formed by the weaving, and how the first side-to-side weave (the one closest to the front legs of the chair) goes over the 4-cord front-to-back weave (see yellow arrow above).
To start the side-to-side weaving, take the end of cord directly from your large roll, and tack it in place as shown, on the front of the lefthand side rail of the chair, then pull the cord under the side rail of the chair.

Pulling this cord under the side rail, pull it up to the top and...

weave it into the front-to-back weaves as shown, going over and under, over and under, etc. When you reach the other side, catch the cord on the first nail, and begin the wrap from the righthand side of the chair coming back to the lefthand side.

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Copyright 2009 Thomas Penrose